
Congratulations for taking a big step toward a more financially secure future by joining thousands of other DXN Distributors worldwide under Viral Team Builder! 

Thank you for your trust. The excellent quality of our products is proved not only by our more than 16.4 Million satisfied customers, but also by the international certificates we have as ISO 14001, ISO 9001, 1SO 17025, GMP, AUSTRALIAN-TGA, HACCP, HALAL.

In this time of modern technology, one machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men; but no machine can do the work of one extraordinary man! We believe in the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.

We want to develop our members to become extraordinary people, with a heart that cares for their fellow Team Members.

We hope this illustrates the quality of the relationship we bring to our distributors as business partners.

We want to uphold:

TEAMWORK - to make the load lighter

DETERMINATION - to stay on course

CREATIVITY - to rise above mediocrity, and

HUMILITY - to want to learn from one another.

Through it all, with the challenges we face ahead, with our differing competence and abilities, and in the heat of competition - one thing can be said: "WE CAN DO MUCH BETTER IF WE WORK TOGETHER!"

VIRAL TEAM BUILDER and DXN have the commitment to help you strive for your success and hope that you have lots of excitement and financial success.

By our ONE WORLD ONE MARKET policy, I hope that you will take this opportunity to expand your business not only Philippines but throughout the whole world.

So you can enjoy worldwide bonus with a single distributor code.

Lastly, Viral Team would like to extend a warm welcome to you for joining our DXN Viral Team & DXN Family.

See you at the TOP!

Viral Team Builder